Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Sparkteam!

HI all!
I am not sure how many of you out there are familiar with Spark People, however, it is a great website for support when you are trying to lose weight, live healthier lives, and learn better eating habbits. With the help of teams, you support each other by posting comments, similar to my blog here and you are just there for each other if you need to talk or just to mention that you are having a good/bad day. Well, anyways... my sparkteam is called the Biggest Loser Dropouts, and we consist of a great bunch of ladies who I have offered to make inspirational bracelets for just as a token of my appreciation for always being there for me. My hope is that these bracelets will remind us that we are not alone in our journey and that "we" as a team are always there to support each other. I have written a few words about the charms that I have added to our bracelets:

First, above all, we need to BELIEVE in ourselves! It’s one thing to have our friends and family offer words of encouragement and for them to express their knowledge of the fact that we can succeed. It is completely another for us to know that we can succeed, with a little pep talk everyday and a pat on the back when you follow the rules and a quick pick me up when the rules are broken. Do whatever it takes to get through the day, and push on towards your ultimate goal. Know that when you BELIEVE in yourself you can achieve greatness, and you WILL succeed!

Second, we need to have the COURAGE to face each day with a great attitude and a sense of accomplishment for all that we have achieved thus far. We will all have bad days and setbacks, however, we need to have the COURAGE to face our obstacles and get through them…together! It takes a lot to be able to talk about our lives, especially with strangers but I feel that we have such a close group that we can overcome anything if we can just have the COURAGE to share our thoughts and together we can help each other through it.

And lastly, we need to LIVE our lives! I have had so many things happen to me in my life, and I’m sure that each of us can make a list of things that we have had to overcome. Whether it be our health, our careers, our families, or our weight, we all have endured hardships in our lives. But we must remember that life does go on and the best thing that we can do is LIVE! We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to wake up each morning, kiss our kids, go to work and make money to support our families and spend time with friends all the while trying to make enough time for ourselves. Enjoy each moment that we have on this earth, LIVE your life! Cherish your friends, and always stay positive. After all, there are people in this world who are fighting extreme battles, and digging out from natural disasters. We have been given a wonderful blessing, and that is life… so ladies, please LIVE it well!

I hope you all enjoy them, and thanks again for everything! I'll be getting your bracelets out to you sometime this week so check your mail!

If I have inspired anyone to see exactly what Spark People can do for you, just visit the website at

Have a great day!

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