Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Eggplant Envy...

The name of this bead set is Eggplant Envy, made by my favorite - Michele of Moonfairy Glass! I have been on the fence about this one, because I love it so much and I know that other people would too, so Meghan put the words "keep" and "sell" on pieces of paper and held them behind her back and I picked "KEEP"! So for now it's mine! (If anyone out there is interested in it, please let me know - I'm not selfish and I'd be willing to share! ) The perfect purple colors with magnificent depth. I don't know how she does it but she's truly an artist! I put in some Hill Tribe Silver tubes and used a Bali silver toggle that I got at the Gem Show in March. Not the best picture (sorry), but I wanted to put something up to keep you all coming back! The weather is so unpredictable here and sometimes I can't get outside to take photo's of the pieces. I promise this weekend, I'll be making more jewelry, it's going to be cold again and rainy. So what better to do on a cold rainy day? Make some sunshine inside with a beautiful rainbow of Swarovski Crystals and handmade glass beads! Be sure to check back!!

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