Well yesterday was a success! We had a great show, there was a good turnout and I sold some beautiful pieces! I hope all who purchased are happy with their jewelry! A big thank you to Jillian, our CT
Etsy Team Leader, she did a GREAT job organizing the show and she's such a nice person.
I am headed out today to bring some of my jewelry to a local gift shop who contacted me and wants to offer my work for sale,
YAY! Once that's done I'm going to list up some more items on
Etsy for sale and then I'll be winding down for a bit. I've been running like crazy doing shows and I think I need a little break. I'll still be making pieces but not in mass numbers like I have been doing. I need to
restock some glass as I have used a lot of my stash and I need some new sets to create with! I am expecting some really cool orders to come in soon and then I'll get some great new pieces made to offer to you.
Stay tuned for more in the next few days~!