Really, this weather has GOT to go!
I'm ready for spring to be here. But alas, we are expecting a Winter Storm tomorrow! Gosh O' Golly, What FUN that will be! Oh Joy, I can't wait for the messy commute, the 10-16" of snow we should be getting, the kids out of school and whining about how bored they are... I seriously cannot wait for all that fun, snowy goodness!
Can you tell I'm being sarcastic? LOL! I really am not looking forward to it at all, but I know some people have it worse! I was talking to Carey today, and she already got 30 " over the weekend in MD and is expecting another foot or so tonight she said! Nope, I don't envy her there! I'll take our 10-16" and LIKE it!
Anyway, I digress...
I got these beads about a month ago from Catalina Glass. I was in love with them and I couldn't wait until summertime to make this. I figure I'm ahead of the game now, right?
I absolutely wish that I was laying on the beach somewhere warm, minus this wretched head cold that has got me sniffling and sneezing all day!
Doesn't this just make you want to make reservations and go jump on a plane? I know I do!
Hopefully this will "Warm" up your day!
More to come tomorrow!