(Photo credit goes to Quinn Dombrowski - found on Yahoo/Flickr)
I've been thinking about how much I have grown in 2010. It astounds me how many things have changed. In the beginning of the year I felt very motivated and I got a lot done. Then the summer months kept me pretty busy with the kids being home and having to entertain them. Then school started and they all went...even the little one. They are changing so rapidly before my eyes, growing into these beautiful little people that I am so proud to call my children.
I've been thinking about how much I have grown in 2010. It astounds me how many things have changed. In the beginning of the year I felt very motivated and I got a lot done. Then the summer months kept me pretty busy with the kids being home and having to entertain them. Then school started and they all went...even the little one. They are changing so rapidly before my eyes, growing into these beautiful little people that I am so proud to call my children.
I feel very blessed.
As I think about the year, there isn't too much I would have changed. I've reconnected with some old friends and made many new ones. I am lucky to have so many people in my life that all bring joy into my life. I wish I had spent more time focusing on myself. I've kind of gotten a little lost with everything going on here. Time to do a little soul searching and find myself again.
I do write New Year's Resolutions. Do you? I've done it for years. And then I reflect on what I actually got done as I write them for the next year. I think I'm half and half for last year.
So for 2011, here is what I resolve to do. Number 1 on my list for the past few years has been to lose weight. This past year, I have lost 35 pounds so not only has that resolution dropped from the top spot on my list but it's changed as well.
1. My top resolution is to be a better business person. Get myself organized and start making it a priority. I have to take time to focus on not only the design aspect but the online aspect as well. My blog has taken a back seat and I'm going to start utilizing it again. I do love it as an outlet, and a way to share things. This is something that will be done in 2011.
2. Stop and smell the roses. I have days where I feel as though I am running like a chicken with it's head cut off. It's horrible. I don't know which end is up sometimes. I have a beautiful family, and there are many things to see. I have a camera, and I'd like to use it more to capture the beauty of the world and the people in it. I've gotten away from one of my passions, photography, and I'd like to get back into it.
3. Stop yelling. I'm a yeller. Yup, I do yell a lot. It's partly out of frustration, and partly out of the sheer fact that with three kids sometimes there really is no other option. But I'd like to stop yelling. It's not who I am, and it's not who I want to be. There has to be a better way. I resolve to find it.
4. Maintain the weight loss! And keep up the good work! :)
5. And most importantly... Be HAPPY! Life is short, and I want to experience everything that I can. Live to my potential. Something I have neglected to do for many years. It's time to turn the tides, and look at life differently. It's not about "things". "Things" don't really matter. People do matter and having this realization has changed me a lot.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! I hope that you have a safe holiday and here's to a very bright, sparkly 2011!