Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday fun!

Thank goodness it's Friday. The weekend is just about here and the weather is supposed to be nicer so I'm very much looking forward to that! I sat and made a necklace today, and am so pleased with how it turned out! I was looking online to see if I could come up with a name for it, because the colors remind me of Creme Brulee, but there's a beautiful purple in these beads too. So I searched "Lavender Creme Brulee" and I was shocked to see recipe's come up. There is such a thing, and I had no idea! So, that's what I've named this piece! 
And there are a pair of matching earrings.
Going to get these tagged and added to Etsy hopefully over the weekend!
On a side note, there was a lot of talk about cows today. No idea why. This morning, there was discussion about how part of this necklace reminded someone of cows and Matt had a field trip today to a local farm and he told me when he came back, as he was eating a cookie, that he got to milk a cow! I immediately thought about how gross that sounded as he was eating a cookie, and asked him if he washed his hands. He said yes, because it was DISGUSTING! I'm not sure I would have been a fan of that either, but I'm so proud of my little man for giving it a shot! And for remembering to clean up his hands before he ate! This is not something he always does without 18 reminders! He makes me laugh, and that's always a good way to start the weekend!
Hope you enjoy yours!


  1. Hi. Found your blog by jumping from link to link on various jewelry blogs I read. These are lovely and the large focal bead really caught my eye!

    And, coincidentally, I am a "Kristen Lynn", too =)

    1. Thank you so much! I love that we share a name! :) Have a great day!


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