Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Regaining ground...

Oh man I was on a roll!
The dog got sprayed by a skunk. 
Oh My Goodness does that stink.
By the fourth bath, I was already feeling the pain, and I bent over just a little bit too far and my back went out. And I mean, it went way out. All I could do is stand there, and look down at my poor wet pooch and beg her quietly not to run away. When help arrived to take over dog washing, it took me 20 minutes to even make my way into the house. I was down for the count. But I got up and dragged myself to work the next day and the day after (I got a little bit of brain activity back from the shock, and got myself a cane to help take the pressure off my back, lol!). I had the chills from the pain so I literally sat at work with my afghan around me, a pillow behind my back and my cane next to me. I felt like I was 100!

I made an appointment with the Chiropractor that I decided to cancel and went for a massage instead. 
It worked like magic and helped tremendously!  My range of motion is getting better every day and thank goodness because I am far too busy to be out of commission!
I've even gotten back on track somewhat getting more steps in every day. So in a week's time I have managed to go from flat on my back to taking the stairs again. 
The dog still stinks slightly, but she's on the mend too. ;)

School starts Thursday... and that's a whole post in itself!
Annual back to school pics to follow! 
You can start singing the Staples commercial now...
"It's the most wonderful time of the year!"

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! I have a back that likes to go out so I can totally sympathize. I am just glad that you are on the mend.


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