I'm SO excited to report that I have finally got a room in the house for myself! That's a hard thing to do with two adults, 3 kids and 2 cat's! My lovely daughter,
VOLUNTARILY gave up her bedroom, which was the largest in the house, to my boys so that they could bunk up and she took the smaller bedroom. She's an angel, I swear! I don't know how I got so lucky to have a 9 year old be so
accommodating to her two younger brothers. Anyway, the room that Matt was in is small, but there was plenty of room for his crib a table and there is a huge window and closet so I have taken that room over! It has a french door that I can just close when I want to be alone to bead! It's wonderful! I put in my stereo today, and brought up some really pretty pier 1 chairs that I have been storing in the basement. I got my uncle's desk and it is just perfect for sitting and making jewelry at! I'll try to take a picture of it once I get my pictures on the walls and a second coat of "Tennessee Haze" paint! It's such a serene color of green and it is SO me! Can't wait to get some work done, looking forward to sharing the space with my shadow, Mimi (my cat). She follows me everywhere, and has picked out her favorite spot on the floor next to my chair already! This will be great!